John Cooper

The Power of Colour

and Light...

John Cooper began his stained glass business in 1993, producing kaleidoscopes of superior design and workmanship, as well as a variety of other items of his own design. His work is now sold in over 30 stores across Canada and the United States. Two of his kaleidoscopes have been presented to the Princes William and Harry of the British Royal Family. John lives in Barrie, Ontario.

Welcome to my website

My name is John Cooper... but you already know that. I am so glad you were able to find me and that you can now view my collection of art over the last 30 years. Please take a look at all the sections in the Catalogue and enjoy your time here!

Explore my work.

From printmaking to kaleidoscopes to lino block cutting, John helps you get in the groove.

Puzzle Piece Kaleidoscope

$ 260


$ 200

Regular Small Kaleidoscope

$ 185


$ 240

Maple Leaf Kaleidoscope

$ 240

Tiffany Kaleidoscope

$ 360
